For everybody interested in magazine design and the designers behind it...
here the limited edition cover Gym Class Magazine
sweet illustrated by Alexander Wells and accompanies a Q&A in the issue by Bob Newman (@newmanology) with The New Yorker creative director Wyatt Mitchell. (here illustrated as Eustace Tilley; the magazine's dandy mascott)
Gym Class is a must have for all mag creatives!
Design & editor Steven Gregor, read here about him as guest editor of SPD
Gym Class is a quality zine about magazines and the peeps who make them, mostly.
Issue 11 includes Q&As with the creative director of The New Yorker; the editor and art director of ZEIT Magazine; the creative director of Monocle; and the creative director of magCulture.
148mm x 197mm. Full colour. 128 pages. Perfect bound.
The issue has two alternate covers. The limited edition cover is illustrated by Alexander Wells.
Gym Class Magazine Issue 11 (limited edition)
For everybody interested in magazine design and the designer...

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